This Easter we have an something to get you all on air. The Easter Activity!
The idea is, you dust of your radio(s) and put them to use, and make as many contacts as you can with other club members.
This runs from Friday the 1st of April 2022 to Saturday 30th April 2022. All modes, all bands
Use 1 line per mode per callsign as shown in this example.
You can download this form here, as a PDF: Easter contest log v1.2
If you wish to fill this in electronically, use this link, to an excel file:Easter contest log v1.2
Suggestions to make it easier to find contacts:
1) Use the following frequencies to find other club members: 28.535MHz SSB, 145.500 FM, 144.300 SSB, 432.3 SSB and 433.5 FM U280/SU20
2) Try making QSOs on the hour, quarter past, half past and quarter to.
3) Keep your handheld on the Guildford repeater GB3GF